miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011

About a book that I haven't found again. (GRAMMAR, TEST1)

In London, there is a girl, her name is Noelle and she has a mother, who is called Désirée.
Daisy Ray is the true name of Désirée. She was a young girl who lived in a farm located in an unknown place (at least is unknown by London people) with her strict parents. She had a dream and never forgot it and went to London because she wanted to be a famous actress and singer for working in musical plays. She had a daughter, Noelle, but she has never told her who her father is. Noelle does not need a father. She relies on with Charlie and Robert, the best friends of her mother, and Désirée is the best person in the world.
Every day, Noelle waits for Désirée until the evening. Usually her mother arrives very weary, but when she sees the shining face of her daughter, she cannot feel tired and begins to tell her all the things that she has done during the day. Some days, when Robert and Charlie go to their house, Désirée talks with them until the early morning while they drink a martini or a glass of milk.
Noelle does not know anybody who does not love Désirée and, obviously, there is no person who loves Désirée more than her.
Noelle grew up with the fame of her mother.
When she has 17, the real story begins. She meets a young boy, Roderick, who is the son of Charlie and the love chemistry starts to exist between them. At the same time, Lisa appears in her life: she has been crushed by Désirée, who decides to take care of her until she is recovered. Then, Lisa begins to live with Noelle and Desirée. But, who is really Lisa? She is an unknown actress, but that is not suspicious YET.
Lisa obtains a substitute role in the musical play of Désirée when her uncle is cure of the accident. Suddenly, a weird stomachache attack to Désirée. For many days, this woman suffers of extreme pain and, finally, she dies.
Noelle is devastated and Charlie invites her to move on to his house. Is there where the real love between her and Roderick is strengthened. She is in love with him and they make plans for getting married as soon as possible. When Charlie hears of this engagement, he requires their presences for telling them a horrible new: he is the true father of Noelle so, she cannot marry with Roderick because he is her brother.
All of this happens in the first middle of the book. Its name is “Daughter of Deceit” by Victoria Holt. I read it when I was 12 and it became my favourite book. I have been looking for it in every library, old-books stores and nobody knows anything about that book. I have searched in the Internet (yes, I know, it could be ilegal, but I think that I really need it) and the book doesn’t appear!
So, wish me lucky. Someday I’m going to find it.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011


When I was a little and quiet girl, I loved to walk with my dad down the streets. Always, we went talking and laughing, but many people walked so fast with serious faces, almost angry. I thought if their works were enslaved or if they could not see their wives, husbands, parents or children. I was not wrong; these people were so busy to look around and to see how the life passed in front of their eyes, with its colour, texture, wind and happiness. These people were sad and unhappy because they wanted to be wretched.
                I proposed to smile to these people.  Though I was a weird girl with very short hair, skinny legs and sickly, and I induced tender instead of happiness, I had a purpose and I had to do it.
                I went smiling to all people while I walked and I realize the smiles were contagious.
                When we see a person who is crying, we ask ourselves, “Why is he or she crying?” and that is all, we carry on with our way and we forget it. On the other hand, if we see a person who is smiling and walks alone, we think, “He or she has remembered something of his or her life” or “He or she is happy because something good has happened” and we do not make questions; we just accept the fact, we make use of this and smile.
                Why does this happen? Really, I do not know. But, if I think a little bit about it, the fact of the matter is so simple: all of us are adapted for “process” the happiness easier than the sadness. The happiness makes us to be in good health, our eyes, skin and hair become brighter, and we turn more attractive and dynamic.
                However, some people do not want to smile because is a shame laugh on their own. Then, if just one person is smiling and this person “infect” with some happiness to many people, what will happen if each person who wants to smile, smiles? It is an open question.
                Nowadays, when I listen music while I’m walking down the street, I cannot be serious and I must smile; I don’t mean I have to smile, I mean I want to smile. Moreover, the main thing, why do not smile? There is no reason to hide the pleasure of the life, with its bad days or rainy days. Everyone could get up with the wrong foot or does not have a good breakfast, but the birds are singing at any rate; the day could be cloudy, but the sun is just behind the clouds… everything is better than we expected.
                Since I was a five-years-old girl and I smiled with my small teeth, I have “infected” happiness and I will carry on with my purpose. That is how I want to make this world a better place and I am going to share my proposal with the person who wants to contribute to make  happy to  the people

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

Sans titre

I have painted new suns over your sky with clouds across to lock your eyes in many transparent dawns. Your cigarette has not lighted yet although I have been bringing my breath near it under the pretext of giving you a kiss. You have joined your hands with my fingers, each scar that you have is the food of my fingerprints.
I have painted your face over your face, with the eyes and eyebrows that I love, with the breathing’s sound that makes me breath and your perfect ears’ arch appropriate for to hear my voice; my voice which has been held for six years just for you and that you like it, but I don’t like it, because it cannot sing.
The suns have delineated a new day over us; they burn my lips and languish to my eyes. You have turned red like the sunset, you have fallen red and lighted over me and I do not realize I have been turning in at night plenty of stars of your word’s stress.
I have been painting new moons over the sky’s circles of curfew, for setting your mouth free of satellites and shooting stars. And we have been dancing songs which we cannot sing, and we have sung unknown songs.
Amen for the things that you do not say me. Amen for the things you have written in my back.  I have turned round your past and I have been erasing the things I do not want to you remember of me. I have been recording some poems for you and now I am mentioning you in my homework. When we will be old people, we will to read this and take the clouds away, which are around the moon’s circles. Now I do not have more words, I have dawn and get dark inside ourselves. Do you want to measure the lunar cycles with me?

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011

The changes

When I was in high school, I was relaxed. I got good marks when I studied a little bit and I could eat something while I toke a sunbath in the corridor. Everyday I wore the same kind of clothes and I could take a nap in the lunch time. But I couldn’t dye my hair or wear make-up… I went to a Nuns’ School and they were very stricter, at the same time, they were understanding with us because the students were only women so… they must be understanding.
My first University year was the last year. I was in Concepcion and these days were so stressed. I had to do a bigger effort tan that I did before and I got regular marks. I was tired all the time because I lived farther from the university tan other students. My dad gave me some money every week and I couldn’t buy everything I want. The Concepcion’s weather is worse tan Talca’s weather: when it was a rainy day I couldn’t  take my umbrella because the wind is the fastest I’ve ever seen. Some teachers didn’t know my name but they said “hello” in the corridors.
But, I study in Talca one more time and it’s better tan Concepcion. Concepcion is bigger, more interesting, more adorable, cleaner, more glamorous, more elegant and more magnificent tan Talca… but the people I love live here and I don’t change my city for any other.
(Well, if someone says me: “Sole, let’s study to Amsterdam or Paris”, I go, absolutely)

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011

And I'm going to play harmonica

Always I've wanted play some musical instrument, but never I've can do it because I don't have patience and coordination.
My dad loves the cowboy flims, when they go across the desert in the night and play harmonica by a bonfire. He wanted to play harmonica, but he thought that he wasn't be able to play it and shows me the lovely sound of this instrument.
Now, I have an harmonica called Mia R. Monica and I love her sound... it's so sweet! I have a book which teaches me how I must play Mia R. Monica too, but I think that I need a teacher because is so difficult learn it by myself. And I don't have patience.
I don't want to be like the legends of blues (I'm in love with Sonny Boy Wlliamson's songs!) or Paul McCartney, I only want to feel the whistle of my harmonica going out of my mouth while someone sings a love and sad song... and my best friend plays the guitar and sings in a rock band and he wants that I play Mia R. Monica in his band...
I must practise, practise and practise... practise a lot. And I know if I want something, I can do it. I know I'll be able to play Mia R. Monica.

sábado, 7 de mayo de 2011

That I want to do.

English is so difficult for me. When I begun to study, I said myself: "You can make this, it's easy, you have to study a lot. You've your family near to you and this makes it easier". But this doesn't been simple. I have no good qualifications and when I must talk with someone in English, my ideas go to the other side and I can't.
I've around two months for learn everything. I don't used to have bad marks and I'm so embarrassed for that. I must study more Grammar because I don't have a good memory and is so hard learning it. I've some problems with the "speaking" competence and then I'm looking for a Tandem Partner, who helps me with English by webcam or e-mail, and I help her (or him) with Spanish. If I talk with a British or an American, I think I should make efforts to communicate correctly.

jueves, 21 de abril de 2011


Easter is a very important celebration for the Christian world. My family and my friends are catholic and then they go to the church, eat fish and make everything the Catholic Tradition says. My boyfriend and I aren’t catholic neither protestant, but we’re Christians. I’m going to stay with my father and we’re going to see the TV movies about Jesus. After that, I think I’ll go to my sisters’ house, because I talk with my nephews and nieces about Jesus, his death and resurrection, and what’s the meaning of this for us. Obviously, the Sunday I’m going to hide the Easter eggs with my sisters and we’re going to help to my children (nephews and nieces) to find these eggs!